May 27Liked by Hillary Johnson

What an excellent read, thank you. This resonates through my life and family relationships:

"...identify your superhuman efforts simply to show up—efforts that destroy you for months afterward—as evidence of your duplicity"

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May 23Liked by Hillary Johnson

Hillary, I think you did a great job debating this crazy woman. I would have personally lost it on the show with what she and Lynne Cheney were suggesting/saying. How dare they infer a mental illness. My own sister is in the field of psychiatry and even though I'm showing her evidence of my (and my husbands) deficient immune system, my brain lesions, etc., she keeps suggesting that I'm just depressed! It makes me so infuriated. I believe that what you're saying about the NIH/CDC is so true in that they absolutely didn't want to panic the public and/or admit that they've lied to the public. Thank you again for sharing this. I wish you could be interviewed on a show like 60 minutes to keep the public aware. The public is (as I previously was) clueless as to what the disease is and the severity of it.

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Thanks for your comment. I think actually I did lose it, between Showalter's claims and Lynne Cheney's condescension, it was all a bit much! Showalter's book deserved little more than a good laugh.

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May 23Liked by Hillary Johnson

The 1990s were also the heyday of paid, organized disinformation efforts, not just ESRI funding research for the purpose of writing "all MCS is mental illness" into the peer reviewed medical literature, but also the effort which persists to this day denying and trivializing ME/"CFS" and now Long Covid, whose "cui bono?" is worldwide payers of disability income facing an exposure of about US$10 trillion in lifetime income if they fairly met their obligations to people truly disabled by ME/"CFS" and now Long Covid

Even the national governments can't pay that kind of money

The only way out is research, unconstrained and uncaptured by terrified special interests, which actually finds the mechanism behind ME/"CFS" (which by the way will be blasphemy against current medical belief) so biomarker(s) and treatment/cure can be found.

But the first thing that has to be fixed is regulatory capture of at least parts of CDC and NIH, by existentially terrified special interests.

Oh, and I still think we should be looking at progressive destruction of myoglobin and neuroglobin. But I'm a heretic, and that's for another day.

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